Self Help - Tips and Tricks

IMPORTANT - although these ideas might help low mood and self esteem they are not an alternative to seeking professional help; if you are struggling visit your local GP or call a mental health helpline such as Samaritans 116 123 or Childline 0800 1111.

#1 Music

If i'm feeling anxious or upset I always find putting my headphones in, putting on one of my favourite bands and turning up the volume really helps distract me, these are some of my current favourites:
  • tootimetootimetootime by the 1975
  • All Night by The Vamps
  • High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco
  • Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran
Similarly, whilst I have my headphones in I sometimes try some sessions of Headspace which are really short (often 3-10mins) talked through meditations, obviously other apps are available and it doesn't suit everyone but I find it really helps me when I'm distracted or when my head feels crowded.

#2 Chatting it Over a Coffee 

Talk about how you're feeling with a friend or family member - they might have experienced the same things as you and might have new ideas and perspectives. Plus it's excuse to have a coffee (or other drink of course)- they might even buy you one if they're nice, and not broke. Sometimes all it takes is some company to cheer you up and change how you see things, and if not they can hold your hand through the tough times until it improves. 

#3 Writing it All Down

Writing down how you feel can help get it out of your head and rationalise your anxieties, whether you keep a mood journal, start a blog or write everything down on a scrap of paper. You don't need to keep it, or even read it back if you don't want to - although you might like to! If you like this and feel it works for you, you could try speed writing, a technique I recently learnt about where you just put pen to paper and splurge all your thoughts on to the page.

#4 Spoil Yourself

Use your favourite bubble bath, make yourself a hot drink, watch a film, wash your hair, buy that vinyl you've been wanting to get for ages. Give yourself the space and time to really look after yourself and relax.

#5 Keep Active!

I'm not suggesting every time you feel rubbish that you should run a marathon - unless that's your thing in which case you go!! But keeping your energy levels up is proven to improve your mental health, so whatever that means to you, whether that's having a dance in your bedroom, going to a Zumba class or having an evening stroll.

Thank you for reading, all the love



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