Rio-leanna: inspiration, New Hope Club and Got What It Takes

Rio-leanna is a fabulous young singer from Hull, and winner of the CBBC Got What It Takes competition, which lead her to sing at the BBC Big Weekend alongside huge stars, and at the Summer Social festival. She recently answered some questions 😊

Image result for rio leanna got what it takesWhat inspired you to start singing? 
I was inspired to sing by my family, my dad loves music and my sister Sherina was singing at that time. I thought I would like to try singing and I did and I was pretty good at it so that was the start.

Have you always wanted to become a professional singer songwriter? 
Yes, ever since I sang in public and got the reaction from the crowd I knew that singing was going to be the main thing in my life when I got older.

You were great on Got What It Takes, and certainly inspired many other wannabe stars, what piece of advice would you give someone who loves singing but doesn't know where to start? 
Knowing where to start is hard but the advice I would give is to sing as much as you can and in front of as many people as you can. You need to get yourself out there and be seen by the right people... so charity events, Open Mic nights, competitions and social media are a great way of self promotion.

Image result for rio leanna new hope club Back in June you sang with New Hope Club, what was that experience like? 
Singing with New Hope Club was amazing, they was so nice to me and we just connected with the music and it was really easy to sing with them, maybe I will do it with them again some day.

What is your main fashion inspiration, and what is your favourite go to outfit? 
I get inspiration from the 80's and 90's with my outfits, I just like that style of clothing but I do wear a mixture of all sorts. My go to outfit is mom jeans and a T-shirt.

How has winning Got What It Takes helped you, and what opportunities have come from it? 
From winning the show I opened up the show for RITA ORA at Radio 1's biggest weekend in Swansea, I sang at the 3 day CBBC summer Social in Liverpool and I'm now working with a world famous singer/songwriter and thing are looking good!

I'm really glad things are going well! Finally, on a lighter note, if you were a type of breakfast cereal what would you be? 
I would be Chocolate Squares because I am a big softy on the inside and I hope that most people think I'm niceπŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

Thank you for your time Rio, it was lovely to get to know more about you!!



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