Hidden on a quiet street in Stratford Upon Avon, unknown to many, is Shakespaw Cat Cafe; a cat cafe set up in November, home to eight beautiful cats. As you'd expect from Stratford Upon Avon it is Shakespeare themed (thus the pun) because all the cats are named after Shakespearean characters, Horatio, Hamlet, Bottom, Puck, Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt and Viola.
I'd never been to anything similar before and was excited when I found it whilst scrolling through 'what to do in Stratford' ahead of meeting up with my friend. I did some research into how the cats were looked after having read countless rants on the internet about the immorality of animal cafes; I was very very happy to discover how well they were treated and how comfortable they were in their home - and you could definitely see that as soon as you walked into the cafe.
The people were lovely, the drinks were fab and the cats were gorgeous, I thought I'd share some of the photos that I took whilst I was there, all took on my Nikon D5300.

All the cats had so much character and I fell in love with them all, there were more cats but some were sleeping and others just wanted to play by themselves. It was such a friendly, unique and quirky afternoon and I would definitely recommend you check them out: http://shakespawcatcafe.com
